Just when I thought Auntie M will be nice to me because I have enough stress at work and school, she decided to give me pimples. Pimples, my No.2 arch enemy, No.1 will forever belongs to blackhead.
Well, she present me a chance to try out 3M Nexcare Acne Patch. My friend

So this is the item inside. Just this with instruction manual. It cost about $7-8+. Personally, I feel that it is overpriced la. There is another brand that sell it cheaper but not sure does it work like the 3M ones. Will give it a try when I finish this pack But for the miracle that you are going to experience, I am going to say it is money well spent. I hope.
Let's go thru it step by step.
* I know the photos are not very clear. Please bear with me.
Step 1:
Cleanse your face well especially the problem areas with acne. Gently pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

Step 2:
Remove 3M Nexcare™ Acne Patch from the box and peel open the plastic pouch. Select a suitable sized patch which is able to cover the acne and place it centred on the acne opening. Ensure the skin is dry when the acne patch is used. Gently press the edge of the patch with clean and dry fingers for better adhesion.

Step 3:
Once the colour changes from skin colour to white, it means that the oily secretion has been absorbed. The acne patch should be replaced with a new one.
Hope none of you are eating when you are reading this post. It is so so gross. It does suck out the dirty stuff a.k.a pus in the pimple and oil around it, but it only works with pimples that have head. I have tried once when the pimple doesn't have head, the miracle doesn't happen. And please don't recycle even if the patches doesn't turn white for hygiene purposes. 
Step 4:
Keep unused patches in the plastic pouch and store in a cool, dry place.
If you need to wear makeup, use the acne patch first before applying makeup. 3M Nexcare™ Acne Patch is skin coloured and transparent. Sterility is guaranteed unless individual plastic pouch is opened or damaged.
Will I buy it again?
Why not? It is easy to use and won't cause any scarring even when I am 'popping' the pimple. But I will only buy it when there are promotion or discount. It is kind of pricey for just 1 sheet of miracle plaster-like stickers.
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