
Who is writing all this? 
Hi! My name is Geena aka Nana. A full time white collar Libran, 
part time student and quarter time blogger? located in sunny Singapore!
Love to share my experience (good/bad) with you all. :) Actually I have been blogging for very long, finally decided to start a blog that is not private. :x 

Why named this blog as Nana Papaya?
In Singlish(Singapore's English), we used the term "Yaya Papaya" 
to describe someone who is arrogant.
So, I just change the "Yaya" to my name, "Nana".
Am I arrogant? I don't think so... Maybe... Maybe not..

What are you going to write about?
Reviews and maybe, random thoughts!
Reviews written here are personal experiences that I have encountered when I visited them at the point of time.

Your post very wordy and filled with Singlish! 
Can blog in proper english?
I got have alot of things to blog/write. Will try to blog in proper English.
 Just joking. Singlish is easier for me express myself and of course, easier for you all to relate. 

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