Wednesday, January 18, 2017


Yes! I can take out the part time student from my profile!
Finally I graduated, but now I feel like studying maybe another field or language.
Maybe I wouldn't be taking out the part time student just yet.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Review: MEET

OMG. The last food review I written was in 2015. I need to write more food reviews. Let's start with somewhere near my house.

180 Kitchener Road
#02-37/38 City Square Mall
Singapore 208539

A newly-opened dining place that just opened on 13 January 2017 Yes, that new! at City Square Mall. X and I were anticipating their opening for so so long. Mainly because X loves beef and I am just excited that there is a new food place opening at City Square Mall. According to their description, they are a french-japanese fusion kind of resturant. Yeah! food food food. 


Their menu are placed on chopping board! Very interesting. Please note that on Saturdays & Sundays, they are serving all-day brunch menu! I LIKE LOVE IT. 

Video taken on Boomerang and make into gif using gif maker
Teehee... Really addicted to Boomerang

First up, Pan Seared Prawn with Garlic & Jarmon Serrao. It is under the Warm Tapas portion. X love the Jamón Serran, he finished everything and left me with nothing. ... But it is okay, I ate most of the prawns. :p The prawns are super fresh and QQ texture quoted from X, however it is not very hot. It is warm on the outside and cold on the inside. 

Next, Crisp Blacken Baby Squid in Squid Ink served with Garlic Mayonnaise and Lemon Wedges under Warm Tapas. A lot of legs... I mean tentacles... Not sure they are baby squid or not. I feel that the batter is a little too thick for me, but X loves it! He said it is crispy and just right for him.

Classis Poached Eggs on Crispy Potato Rosti with Spinach, Sauteed Mushrooms in Hollandaise Sauce under All Day Brunch. They have 3 of my favorite food in one dish, I will rate it 4.5/5!  Their eggs are perfect just look at the images below ↓! X was worried that the eggs will be hard boiled, but the eggs here are P-E-R-F-E-C-T. X feel that the dish is quite plain, would be better with sausage or smoked salmon. For me, I feel that the rosti can be more crispy and it is not plain, I like it... a lot.  But I don't like veggie so if can change to meat will be a plus point.

Super bouncy~

Super watery~

Lastly, Salmon Fricassee in a Bag with Yuzu, Dashi, Kombu, Clams & Scallops under All Day Brunch. One word, B-R-A-V-O. I love love love love love it. Especially the salmon, it is pretty big and best part is it is fresh, no fishy taste at all! b^.^d The clams is fresh, scallops also fresh and they have Dashi stock in the soup.  I am a fan of any food with Dashi in it. Just write Dashi and I will order you unless you are full of veggie. X said it would be better if they add seafood stock aiyo... he got a lot of comment la

"It's alive!"

We will definitely be back again. A lot of dishes on their menu looks so interesting like their Honey Spiced Roasted Chicken and Oven-baked Seafood in Puff Pastry. Yumm! 

Side Note:
Please note that comment and feedback are X and my personal point of views. Even the two of us that are dating for the past 7 years have different point of views, do share your point of view with us :) If you have any food that you want us to try, you can email us too :)
And all photos in this post are taken using Samsung S7 Edge.

2017. Enjoy.

Remember the targets I set for myself last year? I am proud to announce that I fulfilled....

Okay, let's have a recap of what are my target for myself...
Anyways, I have set four saving goal for myself this year, 2016!
1) Save at least $8000 by 31 December 2016
2) Only take taxi when needed maximum 2 times per month. Use other form of public transportation like buses and MRT every time.
3) Spend money on necessary items only. Wait.. Is facial and slimming necessary??? 
4) Save more money according to this 52-weeks challenge I found online.
1) Well, I did save $800 just minus one zero. Why missing of one zero? I was bitten by a stray dog in Malaysia and doctors recommend me to have rabies injection. It cost a bomb... wait, it is not those hand grenade kind of explosion, it is those atomic bomb kind. I can't claim from my insurance. Also last year, I paid a lot for my acne problem consulting both doctors and facial palour.
2) HAHAHAHA.. Each week 2 times.
3) Sorry, I have no clear definition what is necessary to me till today. I am a Libra, lover of beautiful things and most well-known for being indecisive. I change my idea a little too often.
4) I stopped after 1 month due to no determination. 

2017,  I am going to not set any target for myself 
and enjoy my life to the fullness.
"screw all new year resolution!"  

I will still try to save up but no limits. Also, more holiday trips! 

Monday, January 2, 2017


Hello, it has been a while since I posted something not personal. So I am back!

Based on title above, I bet most of you will assume that this post is about the hauls I gotten from Qoo10. But... I am actually going to blog about how it is like being a seller on Qoo10! plot twist. Please note that this post will be a super picture-heavy post.

A Little Background Story
I have been buying stuffs from Qoo10 before it is called Qoo10 it was called G-market last time. During 2014, I decided to sell stuffs on Qoo10. When I just start using, it was really a pain in the ass to create a listing and it wasn't user-friendly. Asking the customer service is like talking to the wall. After some trial and error I did over the years, here are some steps or guide to help you start creating your own seller account there without the hassle I been through.

You have to register your account here. 
This will be the page welcoming you. The login and password are the same as the one you used in Qoo10. There are 2 type of account available, one is company and one is personal. I am using the personal one.

For personal one, you just need to scan the front & back of your NRIC and the first page of your bankbook which contain your name and account no. or recent bank statement. Qoo10 will then verified and approved your account. Setting up the account is free, but they have some service charge that they will deduct from your total sales which I will discuss it further later.

Just follow and click on the black arrows.
And you will be directed to this page ↓ where you key in all the important information like the price and product descriptions.

Let's break down into several portion to explain in details.  
Category is really tricky. They breakdown into many many detailed parts. Just select those that you feel are suitable.
Market & Delivery Type really depends on the items or services you are selling.
Item Condition is either New or Used.  
Item Title & Short Title is the name of the items or services you are selling.  
Seller Code if any.
Item Image/Type upload the images of your product.
Production Place have three option "Domestic", "Overseas" and "Others".
Adult Item? Yes/No?

Sell Price this will determine your option price (-50% to 100% of Sell Price). My advise to you all is determine your option price carefully. And do remember that Qoo10 will also deduct the service charge from your total sales.  
Quantity you know. what to key in
Available Period Maximum is 1 year. You can extend your listing thru the app under Price & Qty or web Listing & Pricing > Pricing & Qty.
The rest I honestly don't know. =X

The most important part in this portion is Shipping Rate.
Shipping Rate There is a few different shipping available in the market. Courier, Singpost, Qxpress, and many more. Among all the delivery services, Singpost normal postage is the cheapest but risky as there is no tracking services available for this option.

Item Description You can customize it easily using the setting available, but do remember to save. As if you exit this page, all the setting will be GONE!

I have not tried most of the thing in this option except for Search Tag Management. It is like the labels in blogpost, just key in the keywords so that buyer can search for them easier. 

Then, click on List Item and wait for Qoo10 to approve your listing.

Oh ya.. If you want your item to be advertise, you have to pay money for that. If not, just pray that buyer have awesome searching skill and Qoo10 have fantastic search function.

Yeah! Orders is in! 

How you know you have orders? You will receive an email or notification if you downloaded their QSM and Qtalk app. If you click on the GO ↑ on the webpage, you will be directed to this page ↓.

Again, here are some breakdown explanation for portion I feel important. 

Just click on On Request(brief view) is detailed enough for you to pack your orders. 
Awaiting Payment you don't have to do anything yet. 
New Orders is the order you have to packed and mailed out. 
If you update estimated shipping date in the portion ↑, your New Orders will be moved to Order Confirmed

If you have mailed out the orders, just update shipping status. Personally, updating registered postage is really really annoying. I don't know why even after I key in the tracking no. one by one, they still failed to update all together.


Step 4: KA-CHING $$$
To see your total sales, you can follow and click the the arrows as shown in below. 

And you will see this ↓.

Normally I will choose Shipping date option to see how much is my total sales. 

How did Qoo10 determine their service fee? It all depends on your service grade. There are three grading, "Standard", "Good" and "Power". Have attached the service fee rate ↓ as of  02/01/2017.

Note to all seller: Do take note of how much you need to markup your item so that you don't lugi lose out

All the money earned will be converted into Q-cash. You can either withdraw (need to wait 3-5 working days to be deposited into your account) or just use them when you are shopping on Qoo10. 

I will continue this portion next time.
Finally I have an inquiry, so that I can explain to you all how to answer them.

Answering Inquiries
You will receive this pop-up when you log into QSM.

 You can't answer the inquiries online, you have to download the Qpost for desktop or mobile.

Okay. Before you ask me, I also don't understand why there is for their mobile app to separate the QSM & Qpost. I sincerely hope in the near future, they will combine this two app together.

So what is the advantage of using Qoo10 even though they charge a certain amount of service fee whereas there are other selling app that are free.
Personally, I feel that the buyers are more financially stable?. You don't have to worry about customers MIA missing-in-action or back-out last minute as they are required to make payment first. But you do have to worry about a small amount of customers who give you negative feedback as they expect Singpost to deliver their item in less than 12hours. I don't own Singpost!