Sunday, November 12, 2017

Just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own...

Title is taken from the lyrics of Ed Sheeran's Perfect ↑ . When I heard this song, I feel so inspired to write a post about my ideal wedding and finally updated this space like I promised in the previous post. 

1) Pre-wedding photoshoot.
I want 35mm film photography or Instax wide/square. When I told X my ideal kind of pre-wedding photoshoot, this is our conversation.
X: O.O Can't photoshop the photos leh.
Nana: That is the whole purpose.
Yes... Why should I show my guests the photoshopped version of us when they know and already see us in real life. Now everything is too flawless or perfect, I really like this kind of analogue photography and I miss the real touch.

2) Wedding Dress & Bouquet.
Let's talk about wedding dress first.
I saw this dress when I was watching Bride of the Water God and I am so in love with it. It looks so simple and pure... okay... too pure.. That's why I wish that the end of the dress will have a mixture of ombre blue like the picture on the right.

As for the bouquet, I want a bouquet filled with nuggets, drumsticks, satays, bacons or just any fruits.
... ...
Hahahaa... I hope la... But it is a little too hard as I would keep snacking on them and I am worried the food will stain the dress.

↑ This is my actual idea of bouquet using hydrangeas with baby breath because my nose is sensitive to roses and lilies.

3) Venue & Food Served.
I have said it at least a hundred times. I want to hold my wedding in a venue that they can either sit or stand anywhere in the venue and mingle around. Or simply just enjoy themselves.

Venue: McDonald's (My No.1 Choice)
Food: McDonald's Menu/Happy Menu
Why? To enjoy the nuggets and McWings that I love. :X Each guest can order anything or a maximum of 2 items off the McDonald's menu and indulge in it.
P.S: I have told many this idea of mine. Some told me they will bring other fastfood joint food to my wedding if I hold my wedding in McDonald's. 😝

Venue: The Chapel @ Imaginarium
Food: Buffet style
I saw it in an article and all I can say is the venue looks so pretty. Too pretty. So so pretty.

Venue: The Weave by Studio Three Sixteen
Food: Buffet style
I saw a photo of it looking like an office spaces and suddenly, I just feel like holding my wedding there. My guests will be sitting around like they are in office without the divider.

Venue: The Loft Primax 
Food: Buffet style
I don't know do they allow wedding here. But, seriously they have arcade machine, Xbox, poker table and swimming pool all in the same places! It is like chalet with all the facilities~ The only downside is they only allow 150pax.

Venue: The Lorong 24A Shophouse Series
Food: Buffet style
I like the shophouse feel.

Venue: The Arts House
Food: Buffet style
It just feel like an usual place to hold wedding.

Venue: Alter Ego - Esplanade
Food: Haven't think of it yet
I... don't know why. It just don't look like a place for wedding.

Venue: OTC Cafe
Food: Cafe food?
Again, I don't know do they allow wedding here but it is located at National Library building. Super convenient!

Wedding is not just an union of two individuals, but the union of two families. Even though I have many ideas for my our ideal wedding, I am not sure whether my family or even X's family will be able to accept it.

And to X if you ever read this post: Don't worry... I am already yours when you asked me to be your girlfriend 8 years ago when we were ordering western food in Koufu. Like what I told you before, I don't believe in forever. But for you, I am willing to believe in till death do us part.  

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