Thursday, August 10, 2017


Yesterday I reformatted my phone to run away from this ↓ message,
but the message is still there.. T.T Anyone know how to solve this problem? The customer service ask me to delete all the apps and just use normal functions like calling and message.  What for I buy a smartphone, if I can't use the apps I am using now?! 

Anyway, back to the random story I want to tell you all...

The funniest thing is I forget to backup some stuff when I reformatted my phone, so I tried to retrieve them from my Samsung and Google account. And there are many photos that was taken last year but I have long forgotten about them. Suddenly memories begin to flow in especially when I see those photos I took when I had the major breakout which took many months to cure. I always said I wanted to post photos about the breakout and finally, here are the photos ↓.


All this photos are taken after I received treatment from both doctors and facial parlor. Look at the bottom left photo, I trying to take how POP-UP the pimples are. HAHAHA.

Now... my face is better. But the worries are still there. I don't know when I will have the sudden breakout again, so now I went to facial every once a month. When I was having acne problem, I went to see doctor every 2 weeks and facial parlor every other 2 weeks. Can you imagine the damage?! In case you are wondering who is my doctor and which facial parlor I went to, feel free to email me or dm me on instagram :)

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