By the way, I did a little research to find out more about Bikram Yoga.
All Bikram Yoga Beginning Series classes run for 90 minutes and consist of the same series of 26 postures, including two breathing exercises. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 40°C (104 °F) with a humidity of 40% - WikipediaWah... 40°C sounds pretty scary but 4 lessons of 90 mins Hot Yoga sound super worth it leh. Personally, I would recommend beginners to take up non hot class or just 60mins class instead as the heat might be overbearing for some. And maybe during the hot class, you are just rushing through the moves and not really learning the correct posture.
Anyway, back to my experience with Bikram Yoga Harbourfront.
Registering with them is quite a breeze. Here are some step by step guide for those who have Groupon vouchers.
1) Go to their website. Check out the schedule of classes and choose the one you want.

2) Click on the "Groupon Registration" at the bottom right of the webpage or just click on the link here.

3) Just key in the information and viola.. you are ready for your first class.
Psst.. You can book more than 4 classes to secure the slots,
but you can only attend 4 sessions only!
Now you are ready to start your first class!
After you registered at the counter, the counter staff will give you this kind of card ↓.. No, they are not your membership card. They are the locker key card! So high tech!

This is how the lock looks like. Once you put all your things inside, press once and tap the card. To unlock, just press and tap the card again. Simple :) But for my first lesson, I was struggling with this lock for more than 10 minutes. :X
This are the 26 poses that you will do in the class.

To be honest, I can't straighten my legs and my knee cap are always floating
above the mat, not on it. So most of the postures, I have difficulties doing it.
The studio is pretty spacious, as I witness some students moved their mat to the empty part of the studio. If it is in other yoga places, I think all the yoga mats are spread out evenly, so there won't be any empty spaces. Maybe because Bikram Yoga Harbourfront normally do hot classes only, the room smells kind of sweaty or it could be due to the carpet floor.
The teacher will stand at the small platform at the front, giving instruction and talking about the benefits of some of the postures. Hmmm... So far, I have only attend class taught by Marcus. I was really surprised that he actually remember some of the students' names. I guess he really meant it when he said that they are like a family here.
The heat in the room was acceptable to me. I saw some students can't take the heat and just sit there... Of course, most of the time, they are the new student in class.
Personally, I feel that some postures in Bikram Yoga Harbourfront are for those laojiao experienced yogis. I enjoy pushing myself over the limits but sometime, I am not sure the pain I am experiencing is it due to my overstretching or wrong posture or both. Also, I enjoy the hot room, but the strong smell of sweat is a bit turnoff for me.
Will I continue to sign the package? Maybe, maybe not. As I still have package with Yoga Movement.
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