Thursday, December 15, 2016


When my mum and I was accompanying my granny for her laser eye treatment at one of the specialist medical center for eye care. Her appointment was 2.30pm, we reached at 1.30pm to register. Patiently waiting for her turn until around 4.40pm, then the nurses inform us that she needs to be the last patient of the day!

So last patient means that by the time it was her turn, the nurses are all rushing to close. Most of them have changed out of their uniform and chit-chatting near the counter who am I lying to even before closing they already chit-chatting at the counter. Finally when it was my granny's turn, the doctor need some assistance because my granny have Parkinson's Disease. In short, it means that she can't stay stand during the laser treatment. One of the nurse at the counter actually say, "But I want to go home already leh, get someone in uniform la." 

... ... Lucky, some nurses come to assistance and make sure the treatment continue smoothly. 

Just one random thought regarding the nurse's comment. Does it means that if a policeman witness a crime happening, he can't catch the criminal when he is in civilian/home clothes? Don't worry, I have faith that there are so many other nurses out there will still help even if they are not in their uniform. Thank you for being the helping hand when we really needed one. :)


Used to be a proud owner of 2 dogs and a turtle.
But Terry decided to move to the happy place.

This is really a bad year.

Friday, November 25, 2016


/photo taken by the event photographer at my workplace/ 

Why am I showing picture of my phone only? 

... ... ...  Because I am using Samsung Note 7. 
Yes. The exploding phone in GTA and real life. 

Just want to blog a review post about my phone before Samsung collect it back and change to S7 Edge. But seriously, this is best Samsung phone I have used so far and of course, minus the part that it will explode.

Okay, let me share with you why I love it.

1) Long battery life. It might not last as long as Samsung S7 Edge. But still WOW, with only 10% battery left, I still managed to snap about 70+ photos when I was in Taiwan.

2) Customizable icon and theme in its setting! There is absolutely no need to download another app for it. Save some storage space.

3) Camera. One word, fantastic!
Photos are taken during my taiwan trip in September and USS Halloween Horror Night 2016 in October.

Even in low light, the image quality is good!

4) User friendly operating system. Unlike some android phone, you need to get used to it.

5) ... ... I don't know. I just love it and will miss it alot.

Okay. I will end this post with 12 random casing I bought for Note 7. But till date, I only used 1 only. Bidding farewell to this fantastic phone in less than a few hrs.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Warm-hearted ❤

Dark cloud and the sudden rain today might have dampen some's mood.

But not mine. Today I feel that the world is not so harsh afterall.

My mum always tell me that no one will help you unless they have something in return. But the event that happened today have proven her statement wrong at least for my case.

When I nearly fainted today, a group of aunties and uncles actually rush forward to help me by giving up their seat to me and constantly checking whether I am okay. Some of them missed their bus looking after me and two of them even offered to send me home. Super mega touched!

Today is not so gloomy afterall. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hope to help. Want to help.

"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart."
- Anne Frank

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Yes, this will be a random personal post about my feeling.

This year is horrible. Very horrible.


Let's start with something more physical or appearance-wise.

For those who have know me personally, I don't have much pimples, only blackhead problems. But for the past few months, I am having major breakout. Not only on my cheek, forehead or chin because it is all over my whole face. >.< Whole face is kissed by clogged pores, blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and blemishes! This is one of the reason I stopped writing review about facial products. I am worried that using any other facial product will cause more the pimples. Personally, thinking should I go see a doc. If you all have any recommendation, do email or dm me on Instagram.

And ladies and gentleman, I saw some home remedies that involved toothpaste. Please don't apply them on your face. Personal experience, major breakout and super ultra redness that last about 2 days. 

Next, is my sudden weight gain. During my study period, I suddenly gained 6kg! I mean how is it possible that I gained 6 kg in just 2 months. In case you think that I am not doing anything to lose weight, I am dieting and exercising.  But I can't see to lose the weight. If my jeans are able to communicate with me, it will look like this.
Okay... this is just for laugh. If my jeans talk to me, I would have burn it. :x

Other than physical appearance, work is really hectic. But this is the first time, I feel that handling human relationship is the bigger problem. My work is mostly project based so there is always a start and an end. For human relationship, the bonding I formed with my former colleague let's call him, Mr. A was fantastic. Like I just forwarded Mr. A a email, he will know what I want even if I don't list it out in details. But sadly, he decided to resign and Mr. U new colleague joined us. Hmmm.. Let's just say Mr. U have serious understanding problem. When instruction was given to him, he took about an hr to process and screw up the work.

Okay. Enough of your complain, Nana!

Let's focus on the good things to be happy about,
  1. I have ended my part time student and will be obtaining my degree certification in  OCTOBER!
  2. Understanding a.k.a punching-bag-plus-masterchef boyfriend and crazy friends/bitches that stick around even though I complain like 90%?! of the time I am out with them.
  3. Annoying family that I love them even though we make an effort to fight every other day or week. 
  4. Super lovely colleagues and customers.
  5. Salary comes in on time every month. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Penang, Malaysia: Movie Date


It is my first time watching movie outside of Singapore after so long!

Here are some clues about the character who acted in the movie we watched,
  • He choose to join You-Know-Who and be evil.
  • He and his wife 14 years his junior just have a cute baby girl.
  • Obviously acting as the founder of Facebook is not enough for him!
    He need to be part of this since he already inside the first one.
  • Now he is alive in the second one!
  • Hulk is finally the leader.
Can you guess the movie we watched?


Okay... So now should I start my review with the cinema or movie?

Now You See Me 2 or 
Now You See Me: The Second Act
Warning: Might contain some spoiler

"The eye, it may not lie but don't think for a moment it can't be lied to. Seeing is believing but is it truth? People see the Horsemen as mobile Robin Hoods, but are they or are they common thieves? Depends on your points of view."  - Thaddeus Bradley
I have read a lot of reviews before writing this post. Most of them are saying it is not a sequel and the movie is disappointing and fake. But to me, it was fantastic! 

Of course, the magic tricks out of the world. But surely, I believe a little more imagination would do no harm and who know with the technology and science this days, it might really happen one day. And for those watching this movie without watching the first movie, it is totally fine. They have some flashback to help get you into the story.

The new female horsemen of the group, Lalu is bubbly and adorable and very in love with Jack Wilder. In part 3, I hope they find a girl for Merritt McKinney. #fangirlwish At the start of the movie, I really feel like giving Daniel Atlas a tight slap, why do you want to replace Dylan Rhodes. I mean why do you want to make him angry, he is THE HULK. opps.. wrong movie. 

Who would have expected Thaddeus Bradley to be so evil-ly good?! #PLOTTWIST

And don't forget the special guests of this movie are my all-time favourite Daniel Radcliffe and Jay Chou. Lily, you make a right choice. Lucky, you choose James. Only a true fan will know what I am talking about. Okay, back to this two character. One is acting as a good guy and one as a bad, evil guy. Not going to spoil it for you... But seriously, you can search online for  its summary. They write everything there

Now it is time to review the cinema!

TGV Cinema @ 1st Avenue

Reason why we choose this cinema is very very simple... They have a BEANIE CHAIR movie theater! YES.. BEANIE!
finally, i get to use this image!

It cost RM50 for 2pax. The most important question, is it comfortable? Yes, to X and me! Starting it was quite uncomfortable as you need to find a certain angle to sit. But once you find it, just relax and enjoy the movie!

Oh ya... let's not forget their snack corner! 

 They have tom yum popcorn!

For the tom yum flavour, it somehow reminds me of Mamee Monster snack's taste a.k.a MSG
As for the caramel one, it is not as sweet as Garrett Popcorn but 
definitely sweeter than those served in Singapore cinema. 
I like both of them actually, I nearly finished them even before I enter the cinema. 
Let's pray hard the cinemas in Singapore will have unique flavours popcorn in the near future!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Penang, Malaysia

Nana reporting live from Penang. 
Bringing you the latest news and updates... 
... ...


We just touched down in Penang at 2pm yesterday. It is my first time in Penang and we are currently staying at Hotel Jen Penang. FYI, this hotel was formly known as Traders Hotel Penang.

First impression of the hotel was...


Its external looks really clean and simple. The walls are still white! Once you are inside the lobby ↓, the decoration looks like it is stuck in the 80-90s theme.

The check-in counters are on the right side.

I have read some review online that checking-in and service are quite problematic here. But lucky for us, checking-in was hassle-free and fast. The staff are friendly and willing to answer all your questions.

Like I say earlier, the lobby's decoration remains in the 80-90s theme, so are the room. So don't expect those ultra thin LED SMART TV in the room or super good iPhone-docking speaker. But don't worry, it still feels cozy... Of course, here are some photos of our room.


And this is the view that we will be facing for the next 2-3days.
Some review said that there is supermarket inside the malls next to the hotel, but We decided to explore the supermarket that is slightly further, GAMA Supermarket & Departmental Store. We noticed a lot of tourist bought boxes and boxes of white coffee. Also, do bring your own plastic bags or recycle bag as plastic bags are chargeable. 

Okay... There is a Pacific Marketplace in Pacific Komtar which is just next to the hotel. Almost all the items there cheaper than Gama by a few dollars and the best part, they are very nicely arranged! Same rule applied here, bring your own bag :)

To be very honest, it has been quite a while since I saw a box TV.

And this is a weighting scale. I never see one so exposed before! 
You can see it skeleton clearly!

Oh ya... For those who are like us, bringing only 3 days worth of clothes for 7-days trip or just wants to do laundry. There is a laundry service provided by them, it cost about RM$95 for a bag ↓, however they won't iron/pressed it. If you need to get the laundry ironed, there is a iron in the closet.
Comparing the bag with a A4 paper for you all to gauge the sizing of the bag.

If you prefer to do it yourself, there is a coin-operated laundry service along the shop houses behind Prangin Mall. It is called ZYZ Self-Service Coin Laundry. The store is slightly worn out and some machines are spoiled but it is better than nothing. The washer and dryer is RM$6 each and 30mins duration for per wash/dry. So your laundry will be ready in just an 1hr for both wash + dry. The only downsides are you have to bring your own detergent power and wait for an hr. 

This hotel's location is the best. Just look ↓!

It is walking distance away from the malls (Prangin Mall and 1st Avenue are just behind and Penang Times Square is just 10-15mins walk..) and those Penang street art. If you are adventurous, you can hop on the buses available at Rapid Penang and explore.

So far, our experience with the hotel and staff were good. Just hope that they will upgrade their room soon. :)

Will continue blogging our experience in Penang! Do keep a lookout.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

We are forgetting something.

"Everybody's somebody's everything. "
Chance The Rapper – Everybody's Something

Monday, June 6, 2016


I have finished all my exam and final year report. 
 Now I am back to blogging and exercising.

For the past 3 months, I gained nearly 6kg! Time to exercise more..
My pants are becoming too tight~ I can't fit into the clothes I bought when I was 50kg.
Will be uploading a post soon on the yoga place I am visiting currently. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Review: Bikram Yoga Harbourfront

My friend and I decided to try out this deal when she saw it on Groupon.

mouseover/hover over this image ↑  for the fine prints

By the way, I did a little research to find out more about Bikram Yoga. 
All Bikram Yoga Beginning Series classes run for 90 minutes and consist of the same series of 26 postures, including two breathing exercises. Bikram Yoga is ideally practiced in a room heated to 40°C (104 °F) with a humidity of 40% - Wikipedia
Wah... 40°C sounds pretty scary but 4 lessons of 90 mins Hot Yoga sound super worth it leh. Personally, I would recommend beginners to take up non hot class or just 60mins class instead as the heat might be overbearing for some. And maybe during the hot class, you are just rushing through the moves and not really learning the correct posture.

Anyway, back to my experience with Bikram Yoga Harbourfront.

Registering with them is quite a breeze. Here are some step by step guide for those who have Groupon vouchers.

1) Go to their website. Check out the schedule of classes and choose the one you want.

2) Click on the "Groupon Registration" at the bottom right of the webpage or just click on the link here.

3) Just key in the information and viola.. you are ready for your first class.
Psst.. You can book more than 4 classes to secure the slots, 
but you can only attend 4 sessions only! 

Now you are ready to start your first class!

After you registered at the counter, the counter staff will give you this kind of card ↓.. No, they are not your membership card. They are the locker key card! So high tech!

This is how the lock looks like. Once you put all your things inside, press once and tap the card. To unlock, just press and tap the card again. Simple :) But for my first lesson, I was struggling with this lock for more than 10 minutes. :X 

This are the 26 poses that you will do in the class. 
To be honest, I can't straighten my legs and my knee cap are always floating 
above the mat, not on it. So most of the postures, I have difficulties doing it. 

The studio is pretty spacious, as I witness some students moved their mat to the empty part of the studio. If it is in other yoga places, I think all the yoga mats are spread out evenly, so there won't be any empty spaces. Maybe because Bikram Yoga Harbourfront normally do hot classes only, the room smells kind of sweaty or it could be due to the carpet floor. 

The teacher will stand at the small platform at the front, giving instruction and talking about the benefits of some of the postures. Hmmm... So far, I have only attend class taught by Marcus. I was really surprised that he actually remember some of the students' names. I guess he really meant it when he said that they are like a family here. 

The heat in the room was acceptable to me. I saw some students can't take the heat and just sit there... Of course, most of the time, they are the new student in class. 


Personally, I feel that some postures in Bikram Yoga Harbourfront are for those laojiao experienced yogis. I enjoy pushing myself over the limits but sometime, I am not sure the pain I am experiencing is it due to my overstretching or wrong posture or both. Also, I enjoy the hot room, but the strong smell of sweat is a bit turnoff for me.

Will I continue to sign the package? Maybe, maybe not. As I still have package with Yoga Movement.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Review: Bespoke Box [Sponsored]

Sponsored Review

This picture pretty much describe the situation we faced whenever Auntie 'M' pay us a visit. We have a survival-kit-like box when we are having our menses and during the PMS period, we can only vent our moodswings on innocent friends and family members. Don't deny. 

PMS normally happens 1 to 2 weeks before Auntie 'M''s visit. PMS Premenstrual Syndrome, they bring problems like,
  1. Acne
  2. Depression & Moodswing
  3. Lack of energy, concentration or memory
  4. Insomnia
  5. Appetite change
  6. Endless aching around our body and even our poor joints. And don't get me started with the horrible things they do to our stomach. Constipation or diarrhea make up your mind la, PMS! and especially, bloating!
HAHAHA! The picture above ↑ pretty much describe what happen during the PMS period for me. sorry, X. I hate everyone and everything. To be honest, I lose the ability to control my emotions and become super grouchy and grumpy. Any other girls facing the same problem?

But no worries, all the charbos girls out there! We have a new kind of box in town!

Bespoke Box.
Started by a group of charbos that face the exact same problems as us and decided to make it more bearable during this period. This girls will handpicked all the goodies and mailed them out about a week before our menses to help us win the battle against PMS. Gumxia!

What is in the box?
"Hello, I am Harry Bespoke, the Chosen One" 
Hahaha.. Joke aside, when I received the parcel, the box is not taped closed. 
Good thing is I can open the parcel faster. Bad thing, it might drop or get stolen.

*zang zang*

A note to inform you what is in the box :)

 The goodies in the box! Snacks and some daily necessities like lines, lip balm and hand cream!

Close-up of the hand cream and lip balm.
Sierra Bees Organic Honey Lip Balm
When applied, the texture is smooth and really moisture my ultra-dry lips. Also, it is not sticky.
Crantree & Evenlyn Hand Theraphy
To me, there is not much scents or smell. Totally perfect for me. 

Oh ya.. Are you curious how the voodoo in the brown bag look like?




The two thumbtacks are removable. 
I bet this doll can save some men from the fury of their girls. 
... Okay, maybe not save them, just lessen only.. Sorry again, X!

They have the one-time price $22, 3-months ($63), 6-months ($120), 23-months ($228). Don't worry about the postage cost as they provide free normal postage.

The goodies in the box are worth around $37 in total. I think the box is pretty worth it to get for ourselves and as present to our friends.

Maybe they can have a bit more snacks and wrap the parcel in polymailer or at least tape the box to when they mailed out the item.

Good news, ladies!

Bespoke Box are going to give you 20% off* package price!
Just quote "NANA20" when you checkout.
*Offer ends on 20 March 2016!


PSST! I am also having a giveaway for this box! 

Photos were taken with Samsung NX mini and edited with Samsung Note 4 
using apps like Line Camera, Point Blur and After Focus

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

2016, make me richer than I was in 2015!

This is not a food or review post. More of a reminder-to-self kind of post.

After the festive seasons like Christmas and New Year, not only my weight must have increase at least 3kg, I always felt that the hole in my pocket are getting bigger and bigger. So, one of my 2016 resolution is save more money!

Was searching online for some tips on how can I save money. I noticed that this website, compiled all the important tips on how to save money of course, they are called 'wikihow'! Here are some I found more relatable and have combined them to make more sense tips taken from the link are in bold.

1) Put away money next. Whenever we receive our salary or allowance, put a small sum or 10% aside before we start spending it. Also, save for an emergency fund/rainy days. It is also recommended to start saving as early as possible. Have a reasonable savings goals with a time-frame established. Last, but not least, pay off any debt.

2) Keep a budget and record your expenses. Avoid accumulating new debt

3) Don't get discouraged.

My personal experience with the 3 tips I compiled above,
1) I do put the money aside but whenever I am broke, I will always end up using my saving/ emergency funding.

2) Once again, I did keep a budget and record my expenses... The keyword is 'DID'. I only managed to keep record of everything for 2 weeks only and that budget, it burst when I decided to sign up for another facial package.

Anyways, I have set four saving goal for myself this year, 2016!
1) Save at least $8000 by 31 December 2016
2) Only take taxi when needed maximum 2 times per month. Use other form of public transportation like buses and MRT every time.
3) Spend money on necessary items only. Wait.. Is facial and slimming necessary??? 
4) Save more money according to this 52-weeks challenge I found online.

By 1 January 2017, I will post an update for this post and 
whether did I meet the goal!