Sunday, June 28, 2015

Review: Blissy Box

Sorry for the late update! Work is really piling up and finally, I have time to blog about my experience with Blissy Box!

This is Part 2 of the review, you can see the part 1 review here. Once again, I would like to highlight that this is not a paid/sponsored review. I paid for it with my hard earn money. Wait.. I paid for it, does it means it is a paid review? Joke aside, I should really start my review before you click the 'X' at the top.

BOX 3 (For May)
This is the 3rd box that I received. Again, stickers are from my own collection.

They really understand us me. The joy of unwrapping gift!

The only time I am going to show you guys my pad because they actually gave a
roar roar leopard prints sleep mask!

yum yum time FOOD! The 1st snack they caught my attention is the Kitkat. Why is the wrapping in purple and taste slightly sweeter that normal one?! I like~ Personally I don't recommend them to send the rice cracker because by the time I had it, it is 漏风 not crispy already. Personally la

BOX 4 (For June)
"I am Number Four. I know that I am next." 
- I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore  

Oh my god! Is that what I think it is?

... A freaking MAC eyeliner! To be honest, I already know that I am getting it because Anna have sent me a text message to inform me :) 

This month is monochrome theme! I like~

Look! This month snack is even better! All my favourite especially Kinder Bueno~ 

I have tried to change my pads for the third box via text message with Anna and back to the original one for the forth box. My bad, when I change my pads, I didn't check it properly. But the changing process is really hassle-free, Anna even double confirm before she mailed out the box.

To be honest, I am waiting for promo code to decide whether to continue my boxes when it end. 😷

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